Bonus Start: July 1st

Welcome to Lineage 2 Gracia Final - The 2nd Throne! The server provides a retail x1 rate, offering an authentic Lineage 2 experience that will take you back to the game's legendary days, where you can relive the nostalgia of a bygone era.

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General Basic Information


Server Details
  • Chronicle: Gracia Final
  • Platform: OFF/PTS
  • Limit clients per HWID: 1
  • Limit clients per HWID (Premium): 2
  • Game Protection: Yes
  • Game Launcher: Yes
  • DDoS Protected Proxies: EU, RU, BR, NA, UAE, ASIA
General Rates
  • Experience: x1
  • Experience (Premium): x1.5
  • Skill Points: x1
  • Skill Points (Premium): x1.5
  • Drop: x1
  • Adena: x1
  • Quest: x1
  • Spoil: x1
Voiced Commands
  • List Commands: .help
  • Server Time: .time
  • Auto Loot: .autopickupon
  • Offline Shop: .offline | .offlineshop
  • Offline Announce: .offannounce "message"
Gameplay Traditional Progression


Disabled Features
  • Manor
  • Wedding System
  • Cursed Weapons
  • Item Broker
World Details
  • Max Main-Class Level: 85
  • Max Sub-Class Level: 80
  • Buffs Time: Retail
  • Auto Loot: Yes (Premium)
  • Auto Loot Raid Boss: No
  • Stop Experience: No
  • Maximum Atk. Speed: 1500
  • Maximum Speed: 250
  • Maximum Fly Speed: 350
  • Mana Potions: No
  • Spawn Protection: No
  • Min. Level Offline Shop: 20
  • Buff Delete: Alt+Click
  • Decay-time items dropped by NPCs: 10 minutes
  • Decay-time items dropped by Players: 1 hour
  • Attack war without a CTRL key: Yes
  • Attacking war makes you guilty: Yes
  • Mana Burn: Showing how much mana was burned
  • Offline Shops: Restore after server restart
  • Ability to Copy and Paste in Client
Server Helper Additional Bonus

Server Helper

VIP Privileges

These features only influence the character, not the entire account. The party's members remain unaffected.

  • Experience: x1.5
  • Skill Points: x1.5
  • Auto Pickup: Yes
  • Global Chat: Yes
  • Dual-Box: Yes (affects all characters in the account)
Item Shop

The goods that the server's NPC offers are listed below:

  • Potions and Elixirs
  • Extra Pass: Kamaloka
  • Arrows and Bolts
  • Buff Scrolls
  • Decorating Accessories
  • Class Transfer Marks
Class Master

Characters can complete their first and second professions quickly by paying a specific amount to the helper.

  • 1st Class Transfer: 300 Coin of Luck
  • 2nd Class Transfer: 900 Coin of Luck
  • 3rd Class Transfer: Retail Quest
Coin of Luck

This special currency can be used to purchase exclusive items and equipment from the Prime Shop.

It is obtained by contributing and is not destroyable or droppable.

Hunting Grounds Hot Spots

Hunting Grounds

Cruma Tower
  • The amount of experience and SP players get from hunting monsters in Cruma Tower has increased.
  • New event monsters that can change or help the hunting flow have been added.
  • Characters that are level 56 and above can no longer enter Cruma Tower.
Silent Valley
  • Silent Valley has now been made melee-friendly.
  • Various herbs now drop in this area during hunting.
  • Monsters in this area will now avoid pets and servitors and go directly for the master when they are attacked.
  • When monsters are hunted, a Treasure Box of Ancient Giants and Treasure Box Guards will randomly appear.
Swamp of Screams
  • Swamp of Screams has been made melee-friendly.
  • The number of monsters and monsters that spawn spontaneously has decreased.
  • Stun and long-range magic attacks have been removed from monsters in this area.
  • Various herbs now drop from monsters in this area.
Item Enchant Chance and Limit

Item Enchant

Enchant Limitations
  • Safe Enchant: +3
  • Safe Enchant One-Piece: +4
  • Max Enchant: +20
Mage Enchant Rates
  • Scroll Enchant Weapon: 40%
  • Blessed Scroll Enchant Weapon: 40%
  • Jewels/Armors: 66% (Decreasing on every successful enchantment)
Warrior Enchant Rates
  • Scroll Enchant Weapon: 66%
  • Blessed Scroll Enchant Weapon: 66%
  • Jewels/Armors: 66% (Decreasing on every successful enchantment)
Instances Conditions and Entry


Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)

The entry requirements for this instanced zone are as follows:

  • Entry NPC: Guard Captain
  • Party Requirement: Party of 2–6
  • Type of Instance: Raid-type hunting ground
  • Instanced Zone Duration: 30 minutes
  • Entry Restrictions: Each character can only enter once per day.
Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)

The entry requirements for this instanced zone are as follows:

  • Entrance NPC: Guard Captain
  • Party Requirement: Party of 2-9
  • Type of Instance: A breakthrough-type raid boss battle
  • Instanced Zone Duration: 45 minutes
  • Entry Restrictions: Each character can only enter once per day.
  • Instant Zone Reset: The zone resets after 5 minutes if no PCs are inside.
Entrance points

The entry limitation time resets every day at 6:30 AM server time (not in-game time).

  • Captain Bathis (Town of Gludio): Level 23, 26, 29
  • Captain Lucas (Town of Dion): Level 33, 36, 39
  • Captain Gosta (Heine): Level 43, 46, 49
  • Captain Mouen (Town of Oren): Level 53, 56, 59
  • Captain Vishotsky (Town of Schuttgart) Level 63, 66, 69
  • Captain Mathias (Town of Rune): Level 73, 78, 81, 83
Fortress Dungeon (Instanced Dungeon)

When a fortress is independent, the Warden NPC can grant access to the Fortress Dungeon. Regardless of political status (sworn fealty or independent), the Warden can also issue special Fortress Dungeon-related quests.

  • The Fortress Dungeon can be entered by a party consisting of more than two members.
  • The entrance request must be made by the party leader.
  • The Fortress Dungeon can be entered every four hours and cannot be entered by more than one party at the same time.
Pailaka for castle and fortress owning clans

Only characters who are in the process of a Pailaka-related quest and who meet the entry level requirements for the corresponding instant zone can enter.

  • Forgotten Temple for levels 36–42
  • Devil's Isle for levels 61–67
  • Varka Silenos for levels 73-77
Note: The quest "Pailaka - Injured Dragon" will in no way affect your current Varka or Ketra affiliation.
Pets and Servitors Mechanics

Pets and Servitors

Pet System
  • The amount of time you have to revive your pet before it disappears has been increased to 24 hours. This resurrection period does not apply to pets who die from starvation.
  • An improved baby pet can cast buffs on its owner. If your summoned baby Buffalo, Kookaburra, or Cougar is level 55 or above, you can evolve it into an improved pet by speaking with the Pet Manager NPC.
Servitor System
  • Feline Queen: Blessed Body, Blessed Soul, and Haste
  • Unicorn Seraphim: Acumen, Clarity, Empower, and Wild Magic
  • Nightshade: Death Whisper, Focus, and Guidance
  • Time to despawn a hungry pet: 5 minutes.
  • Instant herb items are now applied properly to pets.